TandEm CrossFit is dedicated to making you Fitter, Faster and Stronger. We are here to push you to achieve what you through wasn’t possible and teach you a bunch of new skills all whilst having fun in a supportive and encouraging environment! Our vision is to take you from where you are today and guide you into becoming the fittest and healthiest version of you.Regardless of your fitness levels, age or background, TandEm CrossFit caters for everyone! From a complete novice, to fit and active people to the elite athlete. Each and every one of our clients is taken through the same CrossFit Fundamentals Program which allows them to safely progress into our Group WOD classes. We understand that everyone starts at a different level and we cater for everyone.
All new members are required to attend Fundamentals classes with a certified CrossFit Coach to learn the basic elements of CrossFit in three one hour sessions. These sessions cover all of the Fundamental movements we use in CrossFit such as the squat, deadlift and presses.
The sessions are designed so that our Coaches can work closely with you to teach you all of the standards of movements and ensure that you move properly and safely. Its also a chance for us to get to know you and make you feel welcome in our CrossFit Gym. Once you have completed the fundamentals you can confidently start our CrossFit classes.
The first step to getting started is to simply claim your free fitness consultation, click the button belowon the right and will send all the details through.
If you're an experienced CrossFit athlete, you can jump straight into out Group WODs! What are you waiting for? Check out our monthly memberships, drop-in rates and calendar.
Complete the online enquiry form now and one of our coaches will contact you to go over your expectations and how we can help. You can also have a look at our membership deals before familiarising with our online calendar.
Just remember that TandEm CrossFit is more than a gym. It’s a community of support, education, and encouragement to help you achieve your health and fitness goals.
Regardless of your fitness levels, age or background, TandEm CrossFit caters for everyone. From a complete novice, to fit and active people to the elite athlete. Our team is dedicated to making all our members fitter, faster, and stronger. We’ll push you and help you get your body to do things you once thought were impossible. You’ll be learning new skills and you’ll be doing it in a fun and supportive environment. This may seem a bit daunting if you’re new to CrossFit, but we want you to know that TandEm CrossFit's coaching team will be behind you every step of the way. The great thing about this type of training is that even though it can be intense, it can also be customised to your fitness level. That’s not to say that you’ll be in your comfort zone though. You’ll still be pushed to go further than you’re used to but in a safe environment.
All of our members start their CrossFit journey at TandEm by completing our Fundamental Program which allow you to you’ll be familiarise yourself basics of this type of training. These classes are compulsory for all new members. Over the course of three one hour lessons, you’ll learn how to do all of the Fundamental movements such the squat, deadlift, and presses. You’ll be working with one of our coaches who will make sure that your technique is on point so that you can progress safely into our Group WOD classes. It’s also a way for us to welcome you to our box. Unlike traditional gyms, with our CrossFit Gym, you’ll be able to enjoy open space and a member-focused environment. Our coaches will encourage you to get the most out of training and will make sure that you’re pushing yourself to reach your full potential.
Here is some extra information on the Fundamental classes if you’re thinking of joining us and signing up for CrossFit:
The cost is $200 for three one hour sessions
You’ll be a part of a comfortable, all beginner environment led by a certified CrossFit Coach
Open to anyone who wants to learn the basics of CrossFit - NO experience necessary
Scheduled upon request outside of class times
Once you’ve completed the Fundamentals, or if you are an experienced CrossFitter, you can participate in our Workouts of the Day (WODs). You can schedule one-on-one workouts or be a part of our Group WOD sessions. Each class consists of a warm-up, mobility, a strength component and the daily WOD, which is ever-changing. These sessions are led by a certified CrossFit coach who will guide and encourage you throughout the session. CrossFit isn’t like other gyms. Structured programming and high-intensity training means that you see results quicker while you push yourself harder than ever. Our vision is to take you from where you are today and guide you into becoming the fittest and healthiest version of yourself.