Our CrossFIt Gym in Balcatta shares a premises with the Wooden Spoon café; a whole foods café that makes delicious food from scratch using natural ingredients.
The Wooden Spoon serve delicious coffee and paleo, gluten free, raw and healthy options. See their website for more details -
Our CrossFit gym in Balcatta is exactly where you need to be if you’re ready to step up your training and be challenged in a supportive and encouraging environment.

If you’re looking for a CrossFit gym in Scarborough or perhaps live a bit further away from the coast, TandEm will still be able to service you.

Our warm and welcoming team is always on hand to ensure that new and existing members are well looked after but are also pushed to excel in our high-intensity training sessions.

Now, we know that getting yourself in peak physical form can be hungry work but we also know the importance of ensuring that you take care of both your exercise needs and your diet. Luckily for you, we share premises with the Wooden Spoon Café.

Just as we’re the ideal place to reach your fitness potential, they’re the perfect spot to fuel up on healthy meals. They make delicious food from scratch using all-natural ingredients. They serve Paleo, gluten-free, raw, and healthy dishes sure to satisfy your hunger. Let’s face it, after your WOD, you’ll be needing to re-energise your body.

Finding suitable Crossfit classes in our Balcatta Perth location is as easy as checking out our online calendar and booking a session. If you’re not a member yet, you can sign up now or complete our enquiry form and have one of our coaches contact you.

Alternatively, you can give us a call or send us an email if you have any questions about the sign-up process or anything else.

We’re looking forward to hearing from you and to turning your fitness dreams into a reality.

To who and where do i send the details to?

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